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grouch's Home Page

picture of   grouch

grouch is 3 years old.

His favourite food is Whiskas.

grouch's favourite toys. Grouch has a few favourite toys
He likes his furry mice but most of all he loves roll up paper and rollup wool
he loves to chew on plastic bags or popcycle papers anything that is paper
You through the paper and he fetches it like a little dog and wants you to throw it again so he can go get it and bring it back.

Where grouch is from. My cat Is from cornwall Ontario
My son found a mother cat that was expecting she had 8 kittens i choose grouch.He as 5 weeks old when I took him home. He is a big cat now his colours are orange white grey and black he is a tabby breed.

About grouch. Grouch I a indoor cat. When kids are around he goes in my bed and stays there if they were to go see him he will hiss at them to warn them to leave him alone. He likes to sleep in my bed or in his basket or the arm of a chair. he loves to get his brushing twice a day. He runs to the patio window when i say nutty nutty is there that is a squirl or tweey is a bird he is very smart
I hide his toy and he will sniff it out.He does not like to be held or picked up he will lye down with you only.

Last updated: 2007-04-19

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