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Allysia's Home Page

picture of Allysia

Allysia is 3 years old.

Her favourite food is Felix .

Allysia's favourite toys. The snake or cat charmer chaser

Where Allysia is from. A breeder in Wimbledon

About Allysia. Allysia is a Russian Blue.
She likes to sit on the window ledge and watch the world, especially the birds and other cats, and she loves it if the window is open. She will watch the world at night for many hours. She likes chase games and toys.
She likes to be in or out, and mainly uses the garden if I do.
She is very sweet natured and patient and loves to rub her furry head around my bare toes and will cuddle up on my lap or chest for up to half an hour.
She changes her sleeping place very few weeks
She seems to have the ability to float through walls because there are times when I cannot find her anywhere, and I mean anywhere, and then later I will come home to find her in the house! She must have been outside but how did she get in?!

Helen's favourite poem:


Last updated: 2012-08-02

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